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Bjorn's Blog

Adventurer, Photographer, & Professional Blogger
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Showing the beauty in the World, One Photo at a Time

Beauty is all around us, everywhere in the world. Sometimes it is just there in plain sight, sometimes it is hidden behind ugliness, but beauty and love are all over the place.

One of my goals in life is showing that beauty.

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Recent Posts

Below you can find some of the recent posts on my blogs, on different topics

Google Scams

Google Scams

I often get the question if this or that Google Adsense Get Rich system is trustworthy or not. Most of the time, the answer this is no. There are several ways to increase your earnings via adsense, and in the long run even make a living from adsense, but there is not...

Adsense: 10 clicks and no dollars?

Adsense: 10 clicks and no dollars?

A remark often made by people just starting out with Google Adsense, is that they've had 120 Page Impressions, 21 clicks, and still their earnings is at 0,00$. There are three possibility 1. The click considered as invalid click 2. The click happened on the public...

iPhone Undo/Redo

iPhone Undo/Redo

Undo your iPhone typing It's not a new feature, in fact, it was a hidden feature before, but it was officially shown in the iOS 3 announcement: the iPhone Undo/Redo feature! But... Did you know it was there? Did you remember? Do you use it often? Or do you stick to...

iPhone / iPad: What is DFU Mode, and how do I get it?

iPhone / iPad: What is DFU Mode, and how do I get it?

What is DFU Mode? Recovery mode is the most used and well known method to restore an iPhone or iPad via iTunes. However, there is also a DFU mode, which is more powerful then the well known recovery method. The main difference between recovery mode and DFU mode is...

Server Header Responses: The List

Wether you're a webdeveloper, a server administrator, a mere mortal surfing the web, or just a nerd trying to understand everything you come across, Server Header Responses are something that we all get to deal with, so do I (try to guess in which category I fall, and...

Colorizing Black and White Images in Photoshop

Colorizing Black and White Images in Photoshop

A guide to adding color to your black and white images A focal trait of Photoshop is the program’s inherent readiness to achieve a desired result in numerous ways. Colorizing and re-colorizing of black and white images are robust aspects of image editing for which the...

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