Even when you use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to market with the best intentions, it is often easy to blindly step over the fine line between useful advertising and simple, unmistakable spam. If you regularly employ social marketing techniques to expose your website, product or service, be very careful that you don’t mistakenly wander into these three areas of social media spam.
1. Aggressive Following/Friending
While none of the major social media platforms place any particular limit on the number of friends and followers that you can connect with, all of them have checks and balances in place to ensure that you are not befriending people only to solicit them.
2. Sending Unsolicited Messages
A big no-no across all social platforms and perhaps the most hated kind of social media spam is unsolicited messages. If you’re doing anything that looks, sounds and smells like email spam, you can bet that both the social network hosting you and the recipient of your message will be displeased.
3. All Ads
While promoting yourself and your products is perfectly acceptable on any social media site, doing so excessively can get you flagged as a spammer. Be sure to spend a fair amount of time using the platform for what is was intended as: a social network. Links and promotional materials should run a distant second to your more appropriate content.