Do you want more visitors on your website? Do you need more incoming links? Gain  some quality traffic? And be honest, who doesn’t, right? Here we have for you 6 easy steps to increase your incoming links, your number of visitors, and even your Google Rankings in the end:

Step 1: Make sure you have plenty, high quality (means interesting for your visitors), unique (written yourself, not copied) content on your blog

Step 2: Write a few guest postsfor high visibility blogs about your topic. This will give you visibility in your niche, and generate traffic and interest.

Step 3: Write articles that answer peoples questions about the topic  on answers pages like, wiki answers or yahoo answers. Then answer their questions on those websites.

Step 4: Submit your website to high quality directories such as (which is deprecated, and can be consulted on dmoztools, or the new version which is accessible via Be careful not to submit to too much directories, or low quality or unrelated directories, as you will be punished by Google for this!

Step 5: Find other blogs about the same topic, and comment on their articles, make sure your comment adds something usefull, not just saying something like “great blog”. Put a link to your blog in your comment.

Step 6: submit your blog to sites like and and get a good community of friends there. And again, be careful, as the community of friends and like-minded people in your niche are the most important things here, not the number of submits without any other interaction.

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