Have specific goals to achieve
You should have some specific goals that you want to achieve through your blog. Are you interested in expressing yourself through the blog or do you want promote your image as a professional in a given field? These goals are just the reasons as to why you want to create a blog. These reasons will determine the kind of information that you will have in your blog. They will also determine the name that you will give to your blog and the kind of domain name you want it to have. It will also determine the kind of audience that you will have.
Buy the domain and get hosting
Buying a domain and getting your blog to be hosted is very important especially when you want to build yourself as a consultant or a professional brand through the blog. You have a name that you want to build and you need to work hard enough to make it very reputable. You should therefore get the domain and a good hosting for your blog.
Have a specific target audience
You should know your audience that you want to reach out to through your blog. Who would you want to read your blog? Will they be interested in whatever you will be writing on the blog? You need to answer such questions. If you are targeting a given kind of professional, will your blog be able to meet their expectations. You need to understand the people that you are addressing so that you will give them what they need. This will make your blog to be successful and very popular.
Have a unique brand
Your blog just like some products is like a certain brand that should be used for a specific purpose and it should have unique features. As a beginner in blogging you should make your blog very attractive to the readers using specific formats, being consist with a given topic, use of images and videos. These will actually make the blog to appear spectacular and entertaining. It will also attract more readers.
Optimize the blog pages in search engines and be accessible
When you optimize your blog pages in the search engines, you will be able to get more readers who may be looking for the similar content that you have in your blog through the search engine. You should also include your email address, twitter, facebook page and website among other ways through which your audience will be able to contact you easily in case they need to relay any information.
These are very good blogging tips to consider as you start your blogging and it will definitely be very successful.