Did you have a silly reaction to the title of this article? The title seems so absurd that people might click on it to discover what the article entails. Think about the person who creates this piece of web content. Don’t forget to consider the person who finds this article, buys the article rights, and posts the article on a website or blog.

Content Do's and Don'ts

If you are a content writer stuck in a rut, you might give in to the temptation to write such an outrageous article. This type of content makes people feel alive and curious. On the other hand, this brilliant article topic on a competitor’s website can discourage you. Cheer up! Nothing sets you apart from clever article publishers. With these 5 content do’s and don’ts, you can create better content.

Do – look for a new spin on what you already know. When you see an article pop up on a website on a topic you know well, you’ve found the perfect inspiration for writing a new article.

Don’t – waste time on the web search. You can spend time researching how many ways people have covered a web topic before or you can think about what type of article the web audience might like to read.

Do – think about what type of content fits on a business website. For example, many websites cater to a web audience of online entrepreneurs. Is there a generic topic you can make interesting? Think about common topics like search engine optimization (SEO), Google page ranking, arranging web content, and marketing web products and services.

Don’t – eliminate time for creative thinking and writing. Spend time researching background information for your new article and invest at least one hour getting thoughts recorded in Microsoft Word. When you look at your article again, you can add the creative spin.

[ad]Do – find an angle that fits web products and services. Instead of “10 Ways to Treat Calluses on Dry Feet,” how about writing a new angle? Consider this alternative – “10 Natural Remedies That Relieve Dry Feet.” The introduction of natural remedies to the article topic accomplishes two things—1) you give people 10 ways to treat dry calluses on their feet, and 2) you develop a topic for which online business owners actually sell products.

The key to writing successful web content for online business websites is to appeal to your reader. Sparking her interest in creative content increases the value of her experience. The opening that a web entrepreneur gets with his creative content is the opportunity to sell goods and services. Everyone wins

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