eCommerce is a great way of increasing sales. It involves selling goods to customers online and offering them delivery services. In today’s world where almost every potential buyer has internet, eCommerce is a valid option of selling online. Although having Ecommerce websites is convenient, there are several problems people face when making an eCommerce website. They make mistakes which affect customers’ future behavior towards the business and this can be harmful.
Having tiny fonts on the eCommerce website is a great turn off for customers. There are many customers who have smart phones and access eCommerce websites through their phones. If your website has tiny fonts, there is a high chance that customers would not be able to read the contents and would be frustrated. When most potential customers make purchases through mobile phones, eCommerce website owners should make sure that the font used is big enough for mobile viewers to see and read clearly. Mobile users do have an option of zooming in to read but that causes too many problems.
Graphic design is a very important aspect of selling online. Most eCommerce websites ignore it by thinking that customers visit the website just to purchase. They forget that appealing graphics can be a great way of promoting their products on an overall basis. Ugly websites are hated by people. People like shopping on those websites that are attractive because they seem more legit and reliable because it shows the time and effort the owner has spent on the website to make the business a possibility.
There are many eCommerce websites that have dead links. These are links that lead to nowhere. For example a product with missing images. Such links lower the expectations of customers of a particular eCommerce website and lead to disappointment. ECommerce websites should have lots of images and legit links which provide shoppers with quality information.
The blog is very important for every eCommerce website and surprisingly many do not have them. Pages of website do not have the ability to connect with customers but blogs do. In a blog an eCommerce website can post some content that can have updates of new products or new deals. This is what attracts shoppers to keep coming back to the website and shop again. Through blogs an eCommerce website can interact with the customers and have their feedbacks about a particular product which may help the owner on improvements.