So, you’ve made the first steps and you’ve signed up with Google Adsense, all in an effort to try to monetize your blog and get paid a little something for doing something that you enjoy.  Sounds great, right?  Sure, until you open up your Adsense report and don’t have any idea what the numbers mean.

Well, here’s what all of those categories in your report mean:

The first category, Page Impressions, is one of the easiest to understand.  Essentially, “Page Impressions” refers to the number of times your ads have been displayed to someone.  Just because they were displayed, however, doesn’t mean that they were clicked.  Therefore, having a high number of Page Impressions is good, because it shows that you’re getting a lot of traffic, but you don’t get paid unless someone actually clicks on an ad.

The next category, Clicks, is fairly self-explanatory.  “Clicks” are the number of times that someone has seen one of your ads and then clicked on it.  You get paid a certain, unknown amount for each click, depending on what ad was shown.

Page CTR, which is the next column in your Adsense report, is more confusing.  Basically, “Page CTR” refers to the ClickThrough Rate of your account.  The ClickThrough Rate (abbreviated as CTR) is how often someone who sees your ads click on one of them.  So, if you have a CTR of 1.00% that means that 1% of the people who see your ads are clicking on them.

Lastly, Page RPM (Used to be: eCPM) is one of the most confusing of all the categories displayed in your report.  “RPM” stands for Return-Per-Thousand Impressions.  What this means is that your RPM is the amount of money you’re making, on average, for every 1,000 people who see your ads.  In other words, if your RPM is $50, then that means that you are making about $50, on average, every time you get 1,000 people to view your articles/blogs.

Use these important tools to measure how well you’re doing on Adsense and whether you need to change your approach.

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