A guide to getting WordPress installed
One of the main characteristics of installing WordPress is the ease and convenience with which it can be done. There is a step by step guideline provided that will make the task easier and simpler than you think. The time taken for the procedure is also a very quick one that takes minutes to complete the installation process. There are host servers now that have tools for an automatic installation available. There are other tools that will also help in an automatic up-gradation of the WordPress that exists in your system. There are a few data that you need to have prior to installation initiation; these are FTP access to your host server, FTP client, text editor and a web browser.
Following the downloading of the zipped folder of WordPress package you have to create a database; this will be done on the server and also for the MySOL user who will be able to make changes and alterations in it. After this there is a process of renaming the files and folders using the secret keyword. However you may choose to avoid this step if you are not comfortable with the idea. There are two locations on the server where you can continue with the process of uploading the WordPress – one is integrating the software within the root of your domain and the other is the subdirectory of your own website. The installation script needs to be carried out through the web browser. For this you have to type wp-admin/install.php in your browser. Visit http://example.com /wp-admin/install.php if the installation has taken place within the root directory. In case of the subdirectory then you need to log in to http://example.com/blog/wp-admin/install.php.
**Update: The latest versions of WordPress do NOT require you to manually call the install.php script anymore. WordPress now automatically detects if the installer has been run or not, and will redirect to the correct pages.
You have now been successful in downloading and installing WordPress into your website system. There is a wide range of flexible tools and features that will be all yours to access. You can easily make modifications and editing on your own website and the templates of the web pages. For all kinds of assistance there are detailed guidelines and tutorials available on the official website that you can refer to. Installation guidance is also available in a step by step process on the website. With the use of this software you will be able to access various useful plugins and themes in addition to regular updates that are also available for your usage.
The simplicity of the process makes it interesting for web designers who are looking for options to create beautiful wordpres websites.