Usenet unknown to you? No more after this article!
If you like to download a large amount from the Internet, Usenet may be just what you’re looking for.
Usenet has actually been around for a long time (32 years now). In fact, Usenet was the place to be online 10 years before the World Wide Web even existed.
What started out as a system for sharing “news” soon evolved into a robust online community with discussions on just about every topic imaginable.

Eventually, Usenet users decided they wanted to be able to post and download files as well as text messages.
While the Web has grown up and come to dominate what most people think about as the Internet, Usenet continues to flourish in the background.
Whether you are looking to discuss an obscure topic or download the latest build of an open source project, you’ll find just about anything you’re looking for on Usenet.
Advantages of Downloading with Usenet
Usenet provides some distinct advantages over other downloading technologies.
- Usenet is Really Fast – Many Usenet providers allow you to connect to their servers at uncapped speeds. This means you can download as fast as your Internet connection will allow. And you aren’t uploading anything from your own computer, which makes the download go that much faster.
- There’s a Huge Amount Available – User uploads on Usenet continue to increase. Current estimates put the amount of traffic on Usenet at around 8 Terabytes of data per day. This is a massive amount of information available for you to download.
- Usenet is Private & Secure – Many Usenet providers give you the ability to connect to their servers with 256-bit encrypted connections. This is the same security used by your bank for online banking. In addition, a good provider will also not keep any server logs, so there is no record of what you’ve downloaded from the server. Your downloads are your business and nobody else’s.
Usenet may be the old man of the Internet, but he’s done a great job of keeping up with the times. The modern Usenet is fast, reliable and secure. If you want to experience downloads like never before, check out one of the many premium Usenet providers available. Free Usenet access is often available on a trial basis from these providers, so you have nothing to lose by testing it out.
Happy downloading!