As you may or may not know from my ‘best picture’ post of last month, I haven’t been able to work on screens a lot in May due to health issues. Unfortunately, pushing shutter buttons also fell in the same category of items that we’re a little too hard to do. This means I haven’t published as much pictures on social media in May as I normally do. However, it appears that people missed my pictures, as the appreciation on the different platforms was pretty high.
This month I will add Steemit to the list. Steemit is a new social media platform based on blockchain technology. No worries if you have no idea what all this is about, I will write some posts about blockchain in general and Steemit in particular pretty soon.
Last month one single picture dominated the charts on both 500px and Instagram. This month I added Steemit, and now there are three different pictures topping on the different platforms!
Let’s take a look 😉
Top photograph in May on Instagram
Whenever I take the train to Brussels (like, almost every day), I pass by Antwerp Central train station, where I need to wait a short while for my next train. Quite often, I take the opportunity to take a quick walk, and try to spot some interesting photo’s. When the weather is bad, I tend to stay inside the building, but on warmer days, like we had quite a few in May, I sometimes dare to put one of more feet outside too! And that’s when I noticed that the big beautiful Ferris wheel is back in front of the station and the Antwerp Zoo! This Ferris wheel has already proven to be a thankful photo subject for me, but this time, I was looking up, and noticed a golden touch near the top of the ride. Sunrise!
The Fujifilm X-E1 was armed with the Fujinon 35 f1.4, which would not go wide enough for what I wanted to capture. So out came the iPhone 8 Plus again!
I fired up Procamera, and gave it a quick hit on the shutter button, as I knew my train would not wait for me if I spent too much time pondering.
While walking back to the train platform, I reviewed the picture I had taken, and I immediately fell in love with it! I upped the saturation a bit (I know, I can’t help it!!!!), and uploaded it to Instagram and all my other platforms. It was well appreciated everywhere, but on Instagram it hit the top of the my month!
Top photograph in May on 500px
Although being a totally different picture, the story behind the top picture of May on 500px is similar. On my way to the railway station, I pass by quite a few farmfields. And if the time of year is right, I get to see some pretty amazing sunrises, and if I leave early enough (as in “not too late”), I even get the chance to take some pictures of it!
Since I have to catch a train, I don’t always have the time to take out the Fujifilm, and the same happened this morning.
So, again I was thankful for my new iPhone 8 Plus and Procamera! Actually, the camera in the iPhone 8 Plus is pretty amazing, and I love it already in combination with the iOS 11 Camera app. However, I still appreciate the extra possibilities Procamera is offering.
Postprocessing in this one is the usual notch up on the saturation lever, and I also lightened the shadows a bit here.
Top photograph in May on Steemit
Different social media platforms have a different audience, and a different audience yields a different result in my monthly top pictures. Steemit indeed has a different audience (or multiple, but more about that later in another post), and the top picture of May is different from the two other platforms. However, it is a picture that scored pretty well on all platforms, not just Steemit.
I took this picture in Westerlo, while driving one of the kids. The nature through which the river runs there, is a little piece of heaven. Or at least, it is for my photographic eye ? !
Sometimes when I drive the kids around (and around, and around), I take the Fujifilm, sometimes I don’t. As you can guess, This time I didn’t. So this picture too, was taken with the iPhone 8 Plus, and of course, with Procamera. Who would’ve thought 😉
As usual, I drove up the saturation again, and that’s about it here.
So, this month again we have three different pictures that topped the charts on my social media platforms. Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments, or on social media !