Whether you are a web design company or a small business; it is highly unlikely that you have not heard of Twitter. Twitter is a free to use micro-blogging service and is one of the most successful social networking, which has emerged as an effective tool for connecting with the audience with little effort. What distinguishes it from other social networks and blogging platforms Twitter is that your messages or messages are limited to 140 characters.
It offers many opportunities for companies, communities and consumers. Twitter was the news several times recently examples of how companies have set up Twitter to successfully pursue a variety of services, customer service and product support for internal communication between employees.
Twitter Picture
Twitter adds people of common interest in a network. On a personal level, Twitter lets you communicate with your friends and family or a close network of relationships. At the organizational level, Twitter allows colleagues who are not co-located to communicate with each other or businesses communicate with their customers.
So you are regular user of twitter then it is good news to you that twitter has recently introduced photo sharing services. You’ll be able to use Twitter to access a real-time feed of photos and videos associated with the event. Twitter has teamed up with Photobucket and has launched the new service. The service will allow users to upload and attach photos to Tweets directly from Twitter.com and its mobile apps.
mobile photography
Twitter has introduced new version of twitter search which allow you to search most relevant tweets and trends in the arguments but the pictures and video. You can reach result page by typing hastag @# in address bar of browser if you are using Mozilla Firefox. Twitter has worked to integrate Firefox with tags hash and search for user names directly from the address bar of your browser.
The new service that Twitter has introduced a photo-sharing site Photobucket and will replace services that have so far been offered only by third party services such as Twitpic and Yfrog which allow photos and videos to be directly connected to tweets.
As you know picture is worth a thousand words. It was the service where twitter was lacked behind. There’s a certain sense of satisfaction that comes with knowing that this new photo sharing service by Twitter is going to end up putting Twitpic
In general, I would say that the new service is a victory for Twitter. This is a simple, easy to use and, above all, fast! Good job on Twitter! This new service is exactly what we did not need to download all those awesome pictures of my new buffed off the wax completely new body.