There is No Such Thing as “Get Rich Quick”

There is No Such Thing as “Get Rich Quick”

Getting rich without having to put in a lot of time and effort is a tantalizing goal. Most people are realistic enough to realize that trying to get rich quick via some sleazy sounding scheme isn’t going to work for them. However, some people are desperate or gullible...

Different ways to Cloak your affiliate links

Why should you bother cloaking your affiliate links? It is well known in the world of internet marketing that naked affiliate links convert far less often than cloaked ones. Why is this? Sometimes people don’t want to support your online business. They will figure out...
Earning with Adsense via speech???

Earning with Adsense via speech???

As said often before here, when you want to earn with Adsense, content is king… To get good grades from Google you need: – unique content – regularly updated content – informative content – content that is being linked to from other sites...
Does Adsense really work?

Does Adsense really work?

Quite often I get the question if it is really true that you can earn money via the Adsense program, and if so, if you can get rich with it, or at least do “fairly well financially”, as some publishers claim. As Google prohibits publishing your adsense...
Did you know this about Adsense?

Did you know this about Adsense?

Some nice things to know about Adsense   You get your AdSense account approved faster if you request it via ? Once you get your AdSense publisher code, you can put it any of your websites without requiring further approval again? When you do not...