Important facts about keywords

Important facts about keywords Keywords and phrases form a good part of search engine optimization. A typical keyword is one that your prospective visitor could type in the search engine to find your website. Some knowledge about keyword will help you optimize your...

Follow the path of nofollow

Should or shouldn’t you follow the path of nofollows? Is a comment or socialmediapost wort the effort of the typing, if the link has the nofollow attribute anyway? That is a good question actually, and the short and simple answer is ‘yes’. Putting...


Rankings are a very important thing to webmasters who want to get somewhere with their blog or website. The rankings define where you will be listed in the different listings. And higher listings, means more visitors. But, on the other hand, it is the also true that...

5 tips on linking

1. Optimize your incoming links. Check out who is linking to you, which pages they link to, and what anchor text they use to link to you. Make sure that the text they are using is relevant for the page they are linking to. Links with ‘click here’ as...